The Soulful Mama

Shelby Irvin
Doulaing The Dang Thing

I am a natural, breastfeeding, home birth-having, baby-wearing Mama of four who is in awe of the female body and birth! More importantly, I believe that childbearing is just as much spiritual as it is physical!
My love for birth did not start out romantic, but more so out of necessity. Five years ago, when my husband and I discovered we were expecting, we were ecstatic! We attended several childbirth classes, and read every book we could get our hands on, and we were so “ready” to become parents. I entered the hospital as an excited mama-to-be and left feeling like a defeated broken failure.
Nine months later I found myself pregnant with my daughter and full of fear. It wasn’t until then that I realized all the trauma I had endured in the hospital. There was no way in the world that I could go through the same thing again, so I began to truly study birth inside and out.
Fast forward a few months and I ended up having the most amazing home birth! I entered my pregnancy with so many doubts in myself and full of fear and I left that pregnancy EMPOWERED, STRONGER, AND AMAZED with myself, my body, and my abilities.
After having my daughter, I was blown away! A woman is LITERALLY created from head to toe to birth babies not in fear, but in power and strength. I also realized that the people with whom a mama surrounds herself can make all the difference!
I believe that a Mama and her partner have been in song and dance long before, throughout, and during their pregnancy. My gift is that during the unknown of labor and the 4th trimester, I come in and help a Mama and her partner find THEIR rhythm and dance alongside them!
Through my personal experiences and training with DONA, CAPPA, and ALPP, I have vowed to help other mamas and birthing people find their rhythm as they transition through the many phases of mamahood. As a Student Midwife, Certified Lactation Counselor, Childbirth Educator, Prenatal, Labor/Birth, and Postpartum Doula, I strive to create a safe place for mamas and birthing people of color to be who they are without having to explain their mere essence as The Soulful Mama.
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  • Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States


With all things rapidly changing in regards to COVID-19 we want to reassure you and let you know we are still here for you! That being said we have made changes at The Soulful Mama with you and your family in mind. Moving forward virtual services will now be offered for every service provided. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask!